Before searching through our program options, it is important to understand the three program types and how they differ. Please note that all of these program types are eligible for financial aid, all can be used to satisfy major, minor, or elective requirements, and all can be used to fulfill the UF summer residency requirement (as long as you’re earning at least 6 credits).
UF Sponsored programs, sometimes referred to as ‘faculty-led programs’, have been specially developed by a UF department or faculty member. On a UF Sponsored program, you will study abroad with a group of UF students; learn from a UF professor in their area of expertise; earn UF and/or transfer credits; and pay a program fee that includes tuition, housing, health insurance, and program excursions. These programs are typically offered during the Summer, although there are a few in the Fall, Spring, and during Spring Break.
UF partners with universities all over the world to offer first-rate educational experiences. On a UF Exchange program, you will have access to a university’s course catalog; become immersed in the host country’s culture; have the ability to learn a foreign language and/or take courses in a foreign language; earn UF credit; and pay the same UF tuition that you would were you on campus for the semester. These programs are typically offered during the Fall, Spring, or Academic Year, although there are a few in the Summer.
While the University of Florida strives to provide programs to meet students’ needs and interests, many others are available through third-party providers, other universities, or direct enrollment at a foreign institution. These programs, broadly grouped under the category of ‘Non-UF’, vary greatly in terms of location, coursework, costs, and terms available. However, as long as they are accredited, our office will work with you and the UF Admissions office to transfer those credits back to UF. You will always earn transfer credit for these programs and pay all associated program fees directly to your university or provider, not to UF.