
The Alamo Colleges encourage students to pursue an education beyond high school and welcome all students to attend.

Admissions Classifications

The Alamo Colleges recognize a variety of admissions:

High School Graduates

Students who have graduated from high school.

GED Applicants

Students who have passed the General Education Development test with a total score or 2250, with no score below 410 and an earned score of 2 or higher on the Language Arts Writing Test, Part II essay.

Home Schooled Graduates

Students who have completed the curriculum outlined for their home school diploma.

Dual Credit Applicants

Eligible high school students who can earn college credit for certain high school courses in which they are currently enrolled while completing their high school requirement.

Early Admissions Applicants

Students who have completed their sophomore year of high school or the equivalent.

Individual Approval Applicants

Students who are eighteen (18) years or older and who are not graduates of high school or the equivalent may be admitted if they can prove their ability to successfully complete college-level coursework.

Former Alamo Colleges Students

Students who have previously attended one or more of the Alamo Colleges and have not enrolled within the past twelve (12) months at any other college or university.

College or University Transfers

Students who have completed previous college work at a regionally accredited college or university, including the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF), and plan to attend the Alamo Colleges.

College or University Transients

Students enrolled in a university who are taking courses at the Alamo Colleges for only one semester.

International Students

Students who hold non-permanent visas.

Senior Citizens

Students who will be age 65 by the census date for the term and are seeking a reduced tuition.

General Admission Requirements

Students must complete the application process by the published application deadline for the term they plan to attend the Alamo Colleges for the first time or after a break in enrollment. A new application is required for anyone who applied but did not register and for former students who stopped out for one year or more. An application is good at all Alamo Colleges, and students may register at any college within the system without submitting an additional application. Students missing the application deadline for a fall or spring term may apply for the next starting dates (e.g., Start II or Flex II).

In addition, students must be sixteen (16) years of age by the start of the academic year in which they enroll. Students with transcipts from foreign institutions must submit the official transcript that includes translation into English and interpretation of eligibility to be admitted as a high school graduate.

Students applying to college for the first time must complete MyMAP (Monitoring Academic Progress), which consists of a series of educational and college readiness modules for promoting student success.

The steps to complete admissions requirements are listed below. Refer to classification type for specific admissions requirements.