Stay on top of your KiwiSaver account anywhere, anytime.
Keep track of your KiwiSaver balance alongside your other ANZ accounts.
See how your KiwiSaver investment is performing, and view past transactions.
Check which fund you’re invested in, as well as your Prescribed Investor Rate (PIR).
Make additional payments by transferring money into your KiwiSaver account directly from your ANZ transaction accounts.
If you’re not already registered for ANZ Internet Banking or the ANZ goMoney app, find out how.
If you don’t bank with ANZ and haven’t shown us your ID yet, you’ll need to pop into your nearest branch and provide proof of ID and your address before you can register.
View your current balance
View your transaction history
View your investment’s performance
Transfer money directly to your KiwiSaver account from any ANZ transactional account
Download your annual account statements
Download a list of transactions over a certain time period
Check what fund(s) you’re invested in
Change what fund(s) you’re invested in
Check your Prescribed Investor Rate (PIR)
Change your Prescribed Investor Rate (PIR)
Change your contribution rate
Find step-by-step instructions on how to manage your KiwiSaver account in Internet Banking including:
There are two ways you can make payments into your KiwiSaver account.
As a KiwiSaver member, you may benefit from these other kinds of contributions too.
Spending a few minutes now to choose the right fund for your life stage can make a huge difference to the amount you have to withdraw. Find the fund that may suit you best – whether you’re saving for a first home or retirement.
Use our KiwiSaver account calculator to find out how much you’re likely to have in retirement, how much you’ll need for the lifestyle you want, and what you can do if there’s a gap.
The tax you pay on your investment income depends on your Prescribed Investor Rate (PIR) – so it’s worth making sure we have your correct PIR. Work out your PIR and update it if necessary.
You can usually withdraw your savings from your KiwiSaver account when you turn 65, as well as in a few other situations.
Looking to transfer your Australian Super to your KiwiSaver account? Find out what you need to know.
If you’re planning to move to Australia permanently, or you’ve already done so, you may be able to transfer your KiwiSaver savings to an Australian Super scheme.
Looking to buy your first home? Find out how KiwiSaver could help you get there.
What happens when you reach retirement age? Where will your income come from in retirement and what are your options for your KiwiSaver savings?
Whatever your financial goals, an ANZ Investment Adviser can help you achieve them with advice tailored to your needs.
Monday to Friday, 8am - 6pm
From overseas: +64 9 356 4000
Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 5pm
Find your local branch and make an appointment to visit us.
ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited (‘ANZ Investments’) is the issuer and manager of the ANZ KiwiSaver Scheme and the ANZ Default KiwiSaver Scheme. Download a copy of the ANZ KiwiSaver Scheme guide and product disclosure statement or ask at any ANZ branch. Further information is also available about the ANZ Default KiwiSaver Scheme by searching ‘ANZ Default KiwiSaver Scheme’ on the offer register at