Penalty relief for reasonable cause

You may qualify to have certain penalties removed or reduced if you acted with reasonable cause and in good faith.

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Reasonable cause

Reasonable cause is determined on a case by case basis considering all the facts and circumstances of your situation.

Reasons that qualify for relief due to reasonable cause depend on the type of penalty you owe and the laws in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) for each penalty.

Reasonable cause doesn't apply to certain penalties such as the estimated tax penalty.

For businesses, the reasons apply to the person with authority to submit the return, deposit, or tax.

Failure to file or pay penalties

You may qualify for penalty relief if you demonstrate that you exercised ordinary care and prudence and were nevertheless unable to file your return or pay your taxes on time.

Examples of valid reasons for failing to file or pay on time may include:

For more information see Policy Statement 3-2.

The following factors don't generally qualify as valid reasons for failure to file or pay a tax on time:

Accuracy-related penalties

If you received an accuracy-related penalty, you may qualify for penalty relief if you acted with reasonable cause and good faith. To determine whether you qualify, we consider factors including:

If you relied on a tax advisor, we may consider:

Information return penalties

If you can show reasonable cause for failing to file accurate, timely information returns or payee statements, we may consider penalty relief if you prove: