Verify a License

To check the most recent information available regarding a license or registration, or to view public documents regarding any actions taken, please check the individual's license/registration status through the DCA License Search page.

A link to any available disciplinary documents will be listed below an individual's license status. If the documents are not available for a discipline related matter, please contact the Board's Enforcement Program.

File a Complaint

Complaints regarding one of the Board's licensees or registrants may be filed online through DCA BreEZe Online Services (see the Online Training Tutorial for a video demonstration).

Manage License/Registration

Renew Online!

Licensees and registrants may also use DCA BreEZe Online Services to request a replacement license/registration document, or change their public address of record.

The Manage License/Registration page contains additional helpful information for licensees and registrants, on the following:

Related Links

psychology Logo - Link to Webstie healthline Logo - Link to Webstie HCAI Logo - Link to Webstie mhac Logo - Link to Webstie nami Logo - Link to Webstie calvcb Logo - Link to Webstie
<a href=Quarterly Licensing Data" width="" /> AB 2138 Data Military Resources

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Board Meetings

Board and Committee meetings are open to the public. The Board actively encourages and promotes public participation at its meetings. Active participation by all the Board's constituents is critical to the success of the Board's mission. We hope to see you soon.

Subscribe to the Board's Email Subscriber List to receive notifications for future meetings and meeting materials. Notice Regarding Meeting Materials provides information on our subscriber list and meeting materials.

If you would like to be added to the Board's public mailing list to receive notifications of future Board meetings, Committee meetings, and regulatory hearings, please send a written request to:

Board of Behavioral Sciences
Attn: Public Mailing List
1625 N Market Blvd., #S200
Sacramento CA 95834

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